about Brest Business School
57 years of professional teaching experience in business
7 members of the International Federation of Education
Cooperation among 65 international well-known university
Fifteen types of education curriculum plans, especially banking management, computer
information technology management, automobile industry management, tourism and cultural
industry management, provide bachelor's degree, master's degree and MBA and other options
for further education. .
布雷斯特商学院,创办于1962年,已有57 年的历史。学校共开设三大校区,分别位于布雷斯特、瓦纳和巴黎。布雷斯特特殊的地理位置、瓦纳传统的文化特色和巴黎领先的教育环境,三者共同成就了布雷斯特商学院不俗的教学成就。
Brest Business School, founded in 1962, has a history of 57 years. The school has threemajor campuses, located in Brest, Vannes and Paris. Brest's special location, the traditional cul-tural characteristics of Vannes and the leading educational environment in Paris have combined
the outstanding teaching achievements of the Brest Business School.
BBS Is one of the elite business schools recognized by the Chinese and French governments. It ranks 35th in the French Higher Education Business School and ranks 193th in the National University of the World
自建校以来,始终保持超高的教学水准,以优质的教学服务和科学的教学体系而闻名全球。以教育引导每- -位学生,开发学生优秀的管理能力、卓越的领导能力和面对复杂局势的判断能力;激发学生潜能,培养富有活力和创造力的企业管理精英人才。
Since the establishment of the school, it has always maintained a high level of teaching, and is knownworldwide for its excellent teaching services and scientifc teaching system. Educate each student with edu-cation, develop students' excellent management abllity, excellent leadership ability and ability to judge com-plex situations; stimulate students' potential and cultivate energetic and creative enterprise management elites.
作为法国高商的一颗明珠,BBS 拥-支优秀的国际化师资队伍,杰出的教育质量,为全球所有国家的学生及职工提供带来进修学位学历的契机。课程清晰化的设计、理论与实践同步的教学方式、丰富而庞大的实习载体,是造就BBS今日成就的重要原因,也是确保BBS高品质教学的根基。
As a jewel of French high-ranking business, BBS has an excellent international faculty and outstanding educational quallity, providing opportunities for students and employees in all countries of the world to bring advanced degrees. The clear design of the curriculum, the simultaneous teaching of theory and practice, and the rich and large internship carrier are important reasons for the achievement of BBS today and the founda-tion for ensuring BBS high quality teaching.
BBS has established international cooperation relations with many countries around the world. It is also a member of many international educational alliances. It has a leading international level in academic research and elite personnel training. That's why, while exporting a large number of elites to the world, it also sets up a resource docking channel for students in schools, forming a closed-loop system for training talents to export talents. On the one hand, it provides opportunities for students and staff to further their studies, on the other hand, it trains elite talents with high quality and outstanding ability for global enterprises.
企业的中高管人员Senior Manager
入学条件 -大专或相当于同等学历,并具有两年以上管理经验;
College degree or equivalent with more than two years of management experience;
本科或相当于同等学历Bachelor degree or equivalent;
通过入学面试Pass the admission interview.
【学籍注册】Student Registration
学生面试确认录取后,统一进行学籍注册。注册完成后,布雷斯特商学院(BBS)提供学生号码(student ID)、注册信、学生证等相关材料给BOSS商学院。
After confirmation of admission through interviews, students will be registered In a unified way. After registration, the Brett Business School (BBS) provides relevant materials such as student ID, registration letter and student ID to BOSS Business School.
申请表(中英文各- -份)
Application Form (one in Chinese and one in English)
个人履历(中英文各- -份)
Personal resume (one in Chinese and one in English)
riginal, Copy and English Translation of the Highest Education Degree Certfhcate
riginal, photocopy and English translation of identi-ty card
Four two- inch white-background photos and one electronic version
Recommendation letter 1
Brief introduction of inaugural company
金融硕士学位班Master of Finance
学制Target Audience - 标准学制1.5年The standard length of schooling is 1.5 years
The Master of Finance degree awarded by Brett Business School Is awarded to the students after they have completed the master's degree training program In asset management and finance and completed the re-quired credits. The minimum credit requirement for master of Finance grad-uation is 36 credits, and the graduate thesis is answered.
联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046